As we all know, the USA has banned Huawei from cooperating with American companies. And unfortunately, that includes Google as well. It's only now that we're starting to see the results of that decision as the new Huawei Mate 30 doesn't offer any Google services, including Google Play.

No Google Services and No Bootloader Unlocking on Mate 30

The Mate 30 and Mate 30 Pro are two absolutely great devices. They've got a great design, camera setup, display, specs - everything.

Mate 30

However, as mentioned above, there is no Google Play or any other Google services. No YouTube, Gmail, Google Maps, etc.

One would think that this is the perfect time for Huawei to pull back on their "No bootloader unlocking" policy and allows us to install a custom ROM with all the Google goodies installed. But, nope. It was not meant to be.

Not only there are no Google services, but there is also no way for us to install a custom ROM with them on-board.

Huawei's CEO, Richard Yu had mentioned that they were planning on allowing us to unlock the bootloader. But, as it turns out, we actually can't.

Now, we suppose that XDA Developers will eventually come up with a way to install Google Play - even without having to install another ROM. But, at this point, we must ask ourselves: "If we must go through a ton of effort just to get Google Play working, is the buy even worth it?".

That's a question that you must answer for yourself. That being said, let us know what you think about all this in the comments section down below!


That's all for now. Feel like we forgot to mention something important? Got anything wrong? Then let us and everyone else know about it in the comments section down below!

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What's my model number?

There are several ways to locate your model number:

Option 1
On your device, go to Settings, then "About device" and scroll down to "Model number"
Option 2
Often times you can view the model number inside the device, by removing the battery
Option 3
Using Samsung's model/serial number location tool

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