Whether you are avoiding to respond to your friend’s crisis or playing cool with a date, WhatsApp blue ticks are sometimes unhelpful. This messaging application displays a double blue tick when a recipient reads a message which can create some awkward scenarios.How to save and restore WhatsApp messages on AndroidFortunately, there is a very simple process to avoid such scenarios by using a trick that enables you to read the messaging without the blue ticks appearing.
Enable Airplane before reading the messages
When you get a notification of a message, do not open the application to read it. Instead, turn the ‘Airplane Mode’ on to disable access to mobile signals and Wi-Fi. This option can be accessed in the Settings menu by swiping from the top of your screen.Once you have activated the Flight Mode, you can now open the application and read the messages without alerting the sender by triggering the blue ticks. To keep this a secret, you need to close the application while the Airplane Mode is still on. This is done by hitting the multitask button and then closing the application.The sender will then be unaware it has been read as long as the read does not open the messages while online.Deactivate Read receipts
Deactivating ‘Read receipts' is the simplest method. This disables the ability of the app to show the blue ticks that indicate the recipient has read the message. The drawback for this is that if you deactivate the read receipts, you won’t know if someone has read your messages or not. To disable the Read receipts, follow the steps below:- Open the app and head to app settings
- Hit Accounts and then go to Privacy
- Scroll down and uncheck ‘Read receipts’.