As our technology continues to develop and create more opportunities for us, our lifestyle choices are becoming more flexible and freeing. Due to the influx of bloggers, vloggers, self-starters, entrepreneurs and so on, the choice to work remotely is a viable one. 

However, working remotely can bring some risks, especially when it comes to cyber-security. When not protected by a corporation's software, you're exposed to harmful security breeches that could expose important documents and hurt your business. 

Keep on reading to learn how you can ensure your data and documents remain secure.

1) Set up a Virtual Private Network 

Also known as a VPN, a Virtual Private Network will ensure the data on your laptop/phone/computer is always encrypted. This isn't just useful to protect your data through your own Wi-Fi, but when you're connected to public Wi-Fi. If you find yourself working from coffee shops a lot, or connecting to transport Wi-Fi's for example,  a VPN will shelter you from being vulnerable in public. 

2) Use Trustworthy Document Sharing Software

Whether you're working for a company or self-employed, certain commercial cloud/drive applications are not one-hundred per cent reliable. Not only is there a possibility of other colleagues seeing your documents on the cloud, but hackers can invade. This is especially true if someone from your company has accidentally clicked on a phishing email. 

A Firmex Virtual Data Room network for confidential document sharing enables you to share important information with intended readers. No more anxiety about anything being leaked. 

3) Change Log-Ins and Passwords Frequently 

When working for another company, systems are often put in place that regularly require you to change your password (whether you like it or not!). This is not the case with remote working. Using your own equipment means it's not governed by anyone else but you. However, it's your responsibility to not only choose complicated passwords but also change them every few months.

This doesn't just include all important accounts, but your router, too. These are popular targets for hackers and once an intruder is in, they can spy on all you do online. 

4) Separate Work and Personal Devices

If you're working for a company, it's likely that they have an efficient IT operation in place for security. It is also likely that on your personal devices, you don't. 

By using your own phone or PC/laptop for work-related matters, your data, and your company's data might be more at risk. Work on two devices so that if your work documents are compromised, your personal content is not. 

5) Always Update Where You Can 

Due to the ever-changing nature of digital software, vulnerabilities are always emerging in operating systems. As you would imagine, cyber-attackers will exploit these. It's important to update programs and software when prompted, as these are designed to overcome current vulnerabilities. 

6) Use an Anti-Virus Solution

Big businesses are required to implement effective security procedures with their own equipment. When working remotely on your own equipment, it's likely you are exposing your data to a variety of settings, and it's not always a given that the right security is in place. 

Security solutions that are reliable, including anti-virus software, helps to ensure that hackers and viruses are kept at bay.


There is a range of security procedures you can take to ensure your data, documents, and assets are cyber-secure. Some of these are practical and quite easy to do, such as changing passwords (and hiding these from onlookers like you would your bank pin). Others require a bit more of a techy insight and knowledge of reliable software and third-party companies. However, we strongly suggest you get to work on implementing these solutions if you want your business to be secure!

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What's my model number?

There are several ways to locate your model number:

Option 1
On your device, go to Settings, then "About device" and scroll down to "Model number"
Option 2
Often times you can view the model number inside the device, by removing the battery
Option 3
Using Samsung's model/serial number location tool

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