Credit cards are one of the best financial tools that you have at your disposal. A credit card allows you to build credit, increases your purchasing power, and gives you access to various rewards and perks.

However, you need to be extra cautious when using credit cards. If not used correctly, you may incur charges and interests that could jeopardize your financial standing. According to a recent report by on CNBC, approximately 47 percent of the US adult population currently have credit card debt, mostly due to financial mismanagement and unprecedented crises.

So, how can you stay on top of your credit cards and avoid putting yourself in debt? Here, we list five apps that can help you manage all aspects of your credit life.


Tracking your bills is key if you want to avoid going over budget and compromising your finances. Thankfully, you have apps like Prism to keep your finances in check and make sure that all your expenses are accounted for. Aside from that, Prism is also integrated with various billers such as credit card companies. This allows you to pay all your credit card bills in one place. In addition, Prism is also free to use and can process same day payments without any extra charge.


If you want an all-in-one personal finance app, you should download Mint on your phone. You can easily create a budget and track your expenses using Mint, as it can pull your banking and credit card transactions as long as you connect your account. It also categorizes your expenses so you can see where your money is going. Aside from that, Mint will also send you notifications of bank fees, bill reminders, as well as spending alerts, to help you better control your funds.

Petal Card

Besides being a great credit card option for people who want to start building their credit score, Petal Card is also an app that you can download if you want to further understand credit and better manage your finances. For one, the app has an interest calculator that shows an estimate of your future interest dues if you decide to pay less than the full balance on your credit card bills. In addition, it also has an Insights section that can help you be more aware of your expenses and where they go. If you’re a newbie when it comes to credit cards, it’ll do you well to download the Petal Card app on your phone.

Credit Karma

If you have questions such as “What credit card should I apply for?” or “What happens if I don’t pay my bills on time?” Credit Karma can give you the right answers. This app has a number of useful features that help you to keep a close eye on your credit cards. By using Credit Karma, you can monitor your credit score, file taxes, as well as get recommendations on interest saving and credit card offers.


One of the best things about owning multiple credit cards is the rewards that you get from constantly using them. However, having multiple credit cards can make it difficult to keep track of your rewards. Thankfully, you can download the AwardWallet app to see all of your credit card rewards in one place. What’s more, USA Today notes that the AwardWallet app can safeguard your rewards from hackers since it can track all your loyalty programs and will send you a notification if your rewards are about to expire.

For more phone applications that can help you achieve financial success down the line, do check our post ‘Best Investment Apps for Android – Securing Your Money’.

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What's my model number?

There are several ways to locate your model number:

Option 1
On your device, go to Settings, then "About device" and scroll down to "Model number"
Option 2
Often times you can view the model number inside the device, by removing the battery
Option 3
Using Samsung's model/serial number location tool

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