Hit the Pandora application on your smartphone to launch Pandora and begin listening

Sign in

Hit ‘I have a Pandora account and then enter your email and password that you registered the Pandora with. In case you forgot your password, hit ‘Forgot Password’.

Create a new account

After installing the Pandora application, select ‘Sign Up.  Your next move is filling the fields and then confirm the terms of service. After doing that hit Sign UP.

Create Station

Tap the back arrow on the upper left to head to the Station List. Hit ‘Stations’ and the select ‘Create a New Station. Type the song or the artist’s name in the box. The search operates automatically but you can hit the magnifying glass on your keyboard to find a comprehensive list of all relevant songs and artists.To select and view its browser station recommendations or genre stations, tap Browse Genre Station or Station You Might Like’ option instead of entering the name of the song or artist in the search box.Choose the station name that you like and it will be immediately added to your list.

Edit Station

Tap the 3 dots that are next to the name of the station. This directs you to the Station details for the playing stations. To edit the stations, tap the name till the context menu pops up. Then choose ‘Station Details’To get rid of seeds from your current stations, hit the 3 dots on the right of the seed’s name. To add songs or artists seeds, choose ‘Add Variety’.

Edit shuffle

The stations played in the shuffle mode can also be edited. Tap the back arrow on your upper left and head to the Station List. Press and then hold the Shuffle option. A screen showing the stations being mixed the Shuffle pops up with checked boxes. Check or deselect stations as you would like.

Edit Thumbs

Click on the thumbs icon and the tap on the 3 dots at the right side of the track’s name and then tap ‘Remove Track’.

Add variety

Tap on the 3 dots found next to station’s name go to Station Details and Add Variety. Search for the name of the track or artist you want to add as a seed.To add variety to another station, tap and hold the name of the station till a context menu pops up. Go to Station Details and then Add Variety. Type the track or artist name you want to add as a seed for that station.

Running the app in the background

While the Pandora app is playing, press the Home key and then choose another application. Pandora will still continue playing music in the background.

Audio quality

To change the audio quality, go to Station’s list and the hit the menu icon. Navigate to Settings and Advanced. You will see a Cell Network Audio Quality box. Check it for higher audio quality. You can also uncheck it if you want a normal audio quality.
Source: Android Central

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